Inspired by an LED piece created for the Tokyo Light and Image Festival, the leadership unit envisioned "The Cave." The task for 2018 was to gather a disparate group of 5th-8th grade participants and form a team to create it. "The Cave", an intimate enclosed space, lit by LED strip "stalagtites", was constructed and exhibited over the course of three weeks.
Week 1 - Meet & Learn: The team got acquainted and learned the coding, electronic, & problem solving skills needed to complete the collaborative art piece.
Week 2 - Design, Build, Code: Each team member chose a sub-team to work on: hardware, software, & design. Some members worked on multiple sub-teams. Each sub-team was tasked with helping to complete their part of the collaboration. Daily SCRUMs were held to track progress and resolve problems.
Week 3* - Explore, Test & Exhibit: Team members had a fun diversion, building wearables and learning to solder. Team leads worked to create a test build and get ready for the exhibit.
Reception & Exhibit: "The Cave " was constructed & exhibited at the Sam Pannell Center and the public was invited to walk through and experience the immersive art piece. During the reception, guests were encouraged to create their own LED strip color design, which team members then coded for them on the spot.
* Week 3 is not pictured in the video.
*Part of Ohana Community Foundation